Scarlett Hooft Graafland

Lemonade Igloo

Scarlett Hooft Graafland

Lemonade Igloo

2008 | c-print analogue | 60 × 75 cm

Scarlett Hooft Graafland doesn’t see herself as the artist behind her works – that role is left to nature. She just subtly emphasises its special aspects, such as with this coloured igloo. The things that Hooft Graafland changes for her photographs in nature have no lasting ‘unnatural’ effect. That’s something she finds very important. As her setting, she often seeks out untouched landscapes that are at risk of being compromised. This is her way of showing us what we still have and what needs to be preserved.

This igloo was made by Nathan Qamaniq, an Inuit elder. The artist wanted to build a fizzy drink igloo because she had read that the older generation of Inuits still knew how to make igloos out of ice but that younger people where more interested in fizzy drinks and social media. This work of art connects both generations.

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