Dick Ket (1902-1940)

Still Life with Violin and Newspaper Clippings with Self Portraits by Schuhmacher and Hynckes

Dick Ket (1902-1940)

Still Life with Violin and Newspaper Clippings with Self Portraits by Schuhmacher and Hynckes

1938 | oil paint on canvas | 83 × 71 cm

The objects on the table in this work don’t fit in with its overall perspective, which is strange considering that Dick Ket was such a perfectionist.

Ironically, that’s what makes this otherwise tame picture so exciting. The sense of the table trailing away is heightened by a framework effect: as if we’re peering at the table through a window. On the other hand, the tablecloth, wrinkled and full of stains, is portrayed very realistically. The lower left-hand corner of this painting is unfinished. That’s typical of Ket’s last paintings; he was so ill that he did finish many of them.

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