New art for ING's Madrid office

Daniel Canogar's Billow, 2020 installed in ING Madrid.
Twenty-one works of art from the ING Collection were recently installed in ING's new office in Madrid. Spanish artist Daniel Canogar has specially installed an exciting digital artwork for the office as well.

Pere Llobera, The three eras of the image, 2020. Oil on canvas
Mix of Spanish and Dutch artists
The new ING office in Madrid now has a nice mix of photography and painting by the likes of Spanish and Dutch artists such as Cristina Lucas, Pere Llobera, Asier Mendizabal, Jeroen Henneman and Rob Scholte.
Digital data
For the office's entrance, ING Art Management asked Spanish artist Daniel Canogar to instal one of his works. Billow consists of a wavy digital LED screen with abstract animations based on real-time data from various search engines on the internet. The colours in the animation change depending on the popularity of a search term: the hotter the search term becomes, the warmer the colour.
In this way, Billow takes the many different digital data flows, which are normally invisible and intangible, and makes them visual.