Proceeds from ING art auction exceed expectations

Recently, more than 1,000 works of art from the ING Collection were auctioned. More than 4,000 people placed a bid and nearly €600,000 was raised for artists and De Ateliers. This way ING wants to supports the art sector, which is having a hard time these days.

Jan van Dis, No Trace of Snow White After All
Highest bid for painting by Jan van Dis
The proceeds of the auction will go to the makers and – in the case of deceased artists – De Ateliers in Amsterdam, an international institute for the development of talent in young visual artists, which ING has been supporting for some time now. The highest bid (€5,800) was for the painting No Trace of Snow White After All by Jan van Dis. More than 98% of the artworks on auction were sold. Want to read more about the practical side of organizing such an auction? Please read this article written by Annelies Koldewey (Curator ING Collection).
Support in hard times
The ING Collection was founded in 1974. Because of the changing way of working and reduction of the office network, different requirements are being placed on the ING Collection. In recent years, more three-dimensional works have been acquired, and there has been a greater focus on commissioning artwork. There is less physical space available in the offices to hang up art. After the auction, ING still has more than 7.000 works of art in its collection, which can be seen at ING's offices worldwide.