Tony Cragg (1949)


Tony Cragg (1949)


1992 | Plâtre renforcé chimiquement, percé au jet de sable | 80 x 140 x 120 cm, 82 x 53 x 55 cm

Tony Cragg is an artist whose diversity of styles, materials and content is both fascinating and troubling. Forminifera which is made mainly from chemically treated cement, eroded like the remains of shells, brings together giant stamps that suggest the creative nature of an activity which might seem destructive.

His work is primarily about the relationship with the world of objects which convey information, and secondarily about the relationship between the natural world and the artificial world, emphasising Cragg’s clear commitment to safeguarding our environment. Finally, his use of visual language in its own rights lies at the basis of all his sculptures and assemblages.

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