Stay in the Now. The latest news and most insightful stories can all be found here
ING Art's commissions of 2021
(Online) Exhibition: Shift Of Meaning - What Is Your Next Step?
Kevin Osepa on loan to Dutch Design Week Eindhoven
ING Discerning Eye Purchase Prize added to UK Art Collection
ING donates art to Zeeuws Museum and Rijksmuseum & de Ateliers receives 30% of auction result.
Results call for artists in Romania
Art to Go!
New exhibition: Hahaha. The Humour of Art
Open call for artists in Romania
These are the winners of the ING Photo Challenge!
Winners announced ING Talent Award 2021
Newest acquisitions: The Shift of Meaning by Brigitte Kowanz
Watch the finalists live on Instagram
Take a look at ING’s first NFT artwork acquired in 2019
Finalists of the ING Talent Award 2021
Nouveautés artistiques au siège madrilène d’ING
Le produit de la vente aux enchères d’œuvres d’art d’ING dépasse les attentes
Nouvelle acquisition d’une œuvre de Fernando Sánchez Castillo
SWING de Marjolijn Mandersloot en prêt au Kunsthal