Jaehun Park

Highway epigram (void)

Jaehun Park

Highway epigram (void)

| 3d simulation video, on stretched lcd (2880 x 158 px, 02:00) | 90 × 6 × 1,5 cm

In Highway Epigram, Jaehun Park uses 3D scanning data, such as point cloud systems and photogrammetry technology, to depict our present reality. Highway Epigram delivers a piercing look at today’s world, with references to current wars, hyperinflation, the oil crisis and all the other threats we’re facing.
As we watch the video, we see road signs, infrastructures, explosions of buildings and pipelines pass by. When in a car, we might not feel the actual speed of our body in motion. If the car crashes, however, our body is unable to withstand the sheer force of acceleration and ends up destroyed. It is this metaphor, of a car on a motorway, that Park uses to lay bare our world. All the fragmented objects symbolise parts of a collision.

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